Samboja is a district located in coastal areas Coastal Kutai District, namely the newly formed District in East Kalimantan Province. Sub Samboja has an area of 1045.90 km2, which reaches into 21 wards. In the year 2008 the population of this district reached 100.693 people. This district is one of the areas producing oil and natural gas (oil) was the largest in East Kalimantan. In addition to a growing number of companies today, Samboja also still have a lot of land - vacant land is still relatively cheap to make this area grow rapidly among other areas in East Kalimantan, three major oil and gas multinational companies operating in the region is Samboja Total E & P Indonesie, VICO Indonesia and Chevron (former UNOCAL). In addition, the district immediately adjacent to the city of Balikpapan and Makassar Strait was known by the world as a region in the Orangutan Rehabilitation Wanariset Samboja. Tourism Sub Samboja have interesting to visit between other park Tours in the village of Tanah Merah and the Cape of Good Hope Natural Park Hill Bangkirai. For those of you who want to reside in Samboja do not ever hesitate because this district is growing in Kutai Coastal messages. Samboja subdistrict consists of 21 villages, among others:
1. Teluk Pemedas
2. Wonotirto
3. Argosari
4. Beringin Agung
5. Bukit Merdeka
6. Bukit Raya
7. Handil Baru
8. Karya Jaya
9. Karya Merdeka
10. Margomulyo
11. Muara Sembilang
12. Salok Api Darat
13. Salok Api Laut
14. Samboja Kuala
15. Sanipah
16. Sei Merdeka
17. Sungai Seluang
18. Tani Bakti
19. Tanjung Harapan
20. Amborawang Darat
21. Amborawang Laut